Metal Monday


You may notice a shorter post this week and that’s not without reason: I was struck by inspiration and started writing a fiction project. Other than my day job it has taken over my life. Semi-obsessed atm and I want to ride this creative wave as long as I can.

As for next week I am having surgery on the 11th and I am not sure if I’ll have the energy to write anything. All this to say, I can’t promise a post next week.

Youtube Obsession

I have a stressful week coming up so, in these times, I tend to resort to the classics.

I know I have a more in-depth post about Giant Bomb in me but just know that for a period I only watched Giant Bomb for video game news.


Not everyone can be James Ellroy, author of The Black Dahlia and L.A. Confidential. I’ve spoken on Ellroy before and I maintain that no one can write a hate-able sack of shit like him.

There’s no doubt that author of The System, Ryan Gattis , is attempting to channel Ellroy by stocking his book with one asshole after another. Only in the The System the un-likeable characters come across more as Lazy Town villains than actual nuanced human beings.

Obvious and surface level, reading this was a study on why I Ellroy is still the best.

Other Notables

** The Red Letter Media Acolyte Review is kind of imploding nerd fandom. TLDR: If you don’t like something, you don’t have to watch it.

***The most relevant comment under the Acolyte review: