Top Physicals

Things, stuff and whatnot

It’s the end of the year again which means “_________ of the Year” lists! We all love a good list! After all, lists are the founding principle of Metal Monday.

So, in lieu of regular Metal Monday posts, I will be posting my Favorite of 2024 lists in Physicals, Books, Movies and Video Games for the next 4 weeks. Lazy you say? Maybe, but it is the holidays.

I want to state, as a gentle reminder, that these lists are for things and media that are new to me, not all were released in 2024.

A Good Belt

I know, I know. I was just giving the blog Perfectly Imperfect a razzing because one of their contributors recommending Belts. Just belts.

I’m going to qualify that it be a good belt. There’s a difference because you can get a a good belt for a steal but you can also spend too much on a shitty belt. But I wholly recommend you get one that can accommodate a belt buckle. A belt buckle is just another fun thing to have with a belt, another way to add your own personality to your style.

The last belt I was using -almost everyday- was a cheap thing I bought in Santee Alley five years ago. Now, it was $5 and it lasted five years, it owes me no money but I should have gotten a new belt sooner.

A Blog

Or diary, it doesn’t really matter. It has done wonders for my memory to have a place where I talk about my week -more or less. I have zero expectations for anyone to read it but it helps me stay in the habit when I think someone could be reading it, ya know?

It’s also been a great reentry into writing in general1 . My side-projects and personal writing have increase significantly since starting Metal Monday. A big part -I suspect- is just getting over my anxiety about other people reading my stuff.

A good mattress

My partner moved in with me this year and one of our major purchases was a full mattress. Part of qualifying “good” for us was determining the right size and full is plenty big for us and still small enough to leave us adequate living space for our room. And it makes me wonder why Queen or King size mattresses are the hype? Is that a straight people thing?

Anyway, we spent just under $1K and it has been so worth it. I mean, do the math, ideally you’ll spend 8 hours a day in your bed2 , its well worth dropping some good coin on.

A Hutch

Apartment living can be hard especially when landlords will try to squeeze as many units as possible into a ¼ acre of land. Case in point, our kitchen does not have a lot of counter space. Especially for a 2 bedroom and 3 occupants.

A simple 2nd-hand hutch was all we needed to clear out so much a space for activities! It’s also helpful that I care more about function than form.

Fresh Flowers

Since my partner moved in with me and I have had more of an excuse to buy them flowers all the time and… I love it! They liven up the apartment, they make my partner feel special and I get to support the local flower shop.


In this era of deeply flawed DRM and almost non-existent consumer rights, it is imperative that we are able to conserve media. Finding a reliable torrent is a tricky prospect but odds are you know someone with an invite3 .

Stay tuned for next week where I’ll be talking about my favorite Books of 2024.

1  Also reading more. To be explored in a future post ;)

2  And let’s face it, probably more than that on Sundays.

3  Just ask.