Metal Mondays


Deleting facebook

Up top, TLDR, I want to say that I’ve finally been able to delete my facebook account.

When I first joined fb back in 2005 they still required a .edu email. I was a freshman in college, experiencing highspeed DSL internet for the first time, and stealing copious amounts of music on iTunes via P2P software.

Within a semester and a half I had drank myself out Ball State University (I’d rather Ball U than IU!) and losing my .edu email. I hung onto that profile until about 2011 when I was drinking so much that I didn’t post on anything or even do much of anything really.

When I sobered up in 2013 I went to delete that profile and found that I could not recover my password because I no longer had access to that .edu email. I asked friends to report the profile in hopes that it would be taken down but nothing worked. So for years, folks would ask me: “When are you gonna accept my friend request?”

Every so often I would randomly try to remember the password, attempting all the old passwords I used in the past (and still use) and never succeeding.

Until last week. I received an email about and old college crush so I checked them out on facebook (still an absolute MTV Spring Break Daytona Beach hottie btw) and while there, I attempted to to log into my own account. Using a random mix of old passwords….I was in. I immediately permanently deleted my account.

All those old photos are now just dead tags buried in someone else’s profile and people won’t try to add me thinking I’m some asshole that wont accept their friend request. I don’t hide my past but I am no longer that person and don’t want my SEO to be frontloaded by pictures of me, gin-blossomed, gleaming like a Carolina sweat hog at a BBQ in 2010.

YT Obsessions

I know its popular for folks to self-diagnose themselves with autism because they have a fascination with the sounds of different train horns but I don’t really have those weird fascinations. Or do I?

I love these damn dam videos. I watch them and they soothe me and at the same time they excite me! Some of them go for an hour plus and I’m engaged for every second. My brain is very pleased. Am I autistic? Am I gay for dams? Or for their breaches? Someone on tic-tok please tell me!

Also, the source page is styled like a HTML GameFAQs crossed with a hentai picture archive website from the dial-up era. I love it.

On a similar note and lighter tone:

These videos are youtube algorithm excellence. The audacity to call them “experiments” always tickles me and I giggle as I watch lego homes and lives destroyed by and onslaught of water and sand. It’s videos like these that get me thinking: Of all the eras of human history to be born, here I am now, with flushable wipes, central AC and videos of flooding lego structures. How blessed am I?


Nothing too exciting just back on my Warhammer nonsense. About to finish book 3 of the Soul Drinker Omnibus.

This article from Max Read on Read Max.

A deep dive into how he “fell into” this gargantuan hobby. I love other people’s hobbies and how so often they describe their hobbies as uninteresting and unimportant. That’s exactly what I love about hobbies, they are often weird and futile but that’s what makes them rad.

Also, shoutout to Max Read’s substack in general. Great articles and definitely an influence on me starting to write again.


My partner and I are now going through the Exorcist movies and there is just something about the 3rd entry in a horror series. Of my limited engagement in horror films and their lore, I’ve found the 3rd movie in Scream, Hellraiser and now, Exorcist are my favorites.

The beginning of Exorcist 3 feels like a dark Columbo episode but becomes increasingly creepier until the (<marquee> SPOILER </marquee>) Brad Dourif reveal.

And he is EATING. Honestly, I would not be surprised if some student of drama unironically used these monologs on an audition tape.

I may have to write on the profound weirdness of Exorcist 2 someday but I recommend skipping it. For the best viewing just watch the og Exorcist followed by Exorcist 3.


Currently playing Remnant 2 but I haven’t played enough to form a complete opinion other than, it’s better than the first and the first was really good.

But I did play a lot of Red Dead Redemption 2 last week. I had the urge to get into a methodical, open-world cowboy sim and geeze, I forgot that RDR2 is a slow, slow game. And not the story pacing (I’m not much of a story guy when it comes to games, if its good, great, however, gameplay is king when I play games.) but character movement is just so monotonous. I feel like I’m controlling Robocop through the old west. I get it, that’s what it is going for, simulation, it was slow and hard going everywhere back then.

But it’s just not fun. It is not fun to have a huge open world game that feels like slog to explore. The argument of “this how slow the real west was” falls apart when your “real west” character can enter bullet time and see scent trails.

I can’t help but compare RDR2 to Metal Gear Solid V. In MGSV, Hideo Kojima created an immersive, highly interactive, open world that isn’t tedious to interact with. It’s a fun game that I have played and seen the story through several times because I am not fighting with cantankerous character animations.

I can’t help but wonder how good RDR2 would be till if it had the movement of Assassin’s Creed: Origins. Rad af, that’s what’d it be.

Anything else?

In a moment of heat-induced weakness, I bought a ChillWell portable AC. If you still get adds on youtube you’ve probably seen this before but now I own one.

Its over priced and the website just feels scammy. But I’ll be darned, this little guy can really cool down my GamerZone™ in my room in that afternoon heat swell….for 20 minutes. Don’t for the love of god buy one, but I hope I was able to satisfy someone’s curiosity.