Metal Monday


Shorter post this week due to work being an absolute nightmare.

YouTube Obsession

I don’t know how they keep doing it, but YouTube’s website continues to get worse.


Of the options above, I’m only interested in 2 of them1 . This is the easiest way I can explain my hatred for this change to larger thumbnails and fewer videos on the front page: When the algorithm is pushing me so much shit with only a few things I want to watch, the more options available to me the better.

And the algorithm is now pushing me strange Cronenberg-ian stuff.

WHY?!?! I just want to watch the Summer Games Done Quick recaps.


For some reason, all the recreational reading I’ve done recently, other than my Warhammer 40k, has been various forms of meta-fiction. Biography of X by Catherine Lacey, Pale Fire by Vladimir Nabokov and now Cyclonopedia: Complicity with Anonymous Materials by Reza Negarestani.

In short, Cylonopedia is a theological thesis about the true nature and role of oil in the middle east. Elements of House of Leaves, academic journal and HP Lovecraft make this a truly wild read. In fact if it weren’t fictional I would probably think this was a David Icke book, only without the overt anti-Semitism.

It’s format is it’s most unique aspect, but also it’s weakest. I fell asleep multiple times while reading. It is very, very dry. I’ve also never read anything quite like it. So if you want a challenge and like the idea of a dry science text hiding a sinister metaphysical horror, this book might be for you.

Other Notables

** Google’s Olympic AI commercial shows that tech bros have no idea how to sell AI to a normal person.

** And they say white people have no culture…

1  The Pestily and the TTRPG videos.