Low-Effort Vacation Post


I am on vacation! Well, by vacation I mean visiting the in-laws in NYC. This is my Low-Effort Vacation Post! Yay!

Go through old pictures of me…with me!

Starting with ….

2yo. Yes, I was always cute.

It’s called drag honey.

Between 13-15? Probably playing Turok 2

Yearbook photo from 10th grade.

18. Those sideburns.

Now we get to the early adulthood era. It should be noted that I had been drinking pretty regularly from age 14. After I got out of my hometown at 18, my drinking career really took off.

This is the last physical photo, which is wild to say.

NGL we had some bitchin house parties.

My love for 40oz OE is becoming prevalent.

No we get into peak Owen Alcoholism, ages 22-26

I left an open bar wedding to go get 100 proof peppermint schnapps

Another wedding I don’t even remember

This is the last picture of me for awhile before I got sober. 250lbs of pure beer weight. I was drinking the equivalent of 4 loafs of bread a day at this point.

The next year I would get sober.

My life changed dramatically. In the span of 6 months I dropped from 250lbs to 160lbs, just because I stopped drinking. I moved from the small Indiana town I was holed up in and into the bustling metropolis of Louisville KY. After 6yrs in the south I moved to LA.

So here I am, 11 years sober, with my partner.

I am in awe at my life today.

Thanks for coming on this journey with me and thank you for reading every week.